In orderto strengthen new employee’ sense of discipline and teamwork and bring up the spirit of strictenforcement of orders & prohibitions and cooperation, Monte-Bianco holds asix-days military training for the graduates and new recruits from July 26 to31,2010.
At 9:30am, a grand opening ceremony is held.Three outstanding instructors from Foshanregiment take charge of the training. The leaders makes thorough mobilizationand overall disposition for the military training .Our Chairman of the boardYin Yuhang makes a speech hoping that trainees train hard, keepdiscipline,strengthen the bodies and mind as military men.
Aftersix days' training, the trainees pass the company's leadership and militaryleadership review in great battle array with neat pace in the afternoon of July31.
The military training helpsthe trainees establish a correct outlook on life and values and strengthens thetrainees' sense of collectivity and teamwork that will be of great use fortheir future life and work.Алмазный фикерт на металлической связке первоначально используется в полировке керамической плитки п...
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