Subject: Together in May, Together in Monte-Bianco
Date: May 21st _ 24th , 2014
Hosted by:Monte-Bianco Diamond Application Co.,Ltd
Consulting Tel: +86 13929116208
Content:During the activity, once pay attention to Monte-Bianco Wechat public platform and to be one of its fans. Then share the public No. content to your moments. You can win an exquisite present from the booth site by showing your shared content.Meanwhile you can participate in online lottery, there are various kinds of presents waiting for your participation.
Participation Method
1. Little presents from attention: Scan or search Monte-Bianco Wechat public No. (gd_blxcl),and pay attention to it,can win a little present.
2. Exquisite presents from sharing: Share the public No. Content to your moments.,can win an exquisite cup.
3. Surprise presents from luck: Through Wechat prompt entrance or directly scan to login mobile website to Participate in online lottery, then you have a chance to win a surprise present such as iPad mini,millet 3,ect.
First Prize: IPad mini
Second Prize: Mi 3
Third Prize: Mi mobile power
Forth Prize: U Disk
sharing Prize: Cup
Attention Prize: Ballpoint pen
Activity rules:
1. Each Wechat ID or phone number just only can participate for once.
2. Attention activities can participate in anytime before the end of China Ceramics Industry Exhibition; Sharing and lottery activities time are from May 21st , 2014 to May 24th , 2014.
3. Within the scope permitted by law, Monte-Bianco Diamond Application Co.,Ltd reserves the right of final interpretation.
Awarding Explanation
1. Place: Monte-Bianco booth reception desk
2. Ways: For win corresponding prizes, attention and sharing activities need to show your Wechat ID and corresponding page to the staff; lottery activities need to show the mobile registration number and award page.
3. Date: All the prizes need to receive at the site of China Ceramics Industry Exhibition, not on site consider as a waiver
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