As the first drafting unit, Monte-Bianco Diamond Applications Co., Ltd participated in the formulation of Diamond Wire Saw National Standard. Recently, the standard is approved and will come into effect on October 1, 2014.
Experts believe that the standard makes up the blank of the domestic diamond wire saw inspection and further improves the system of standards in the field of superhard abrasive products. At the same time, the implementation of the standard will improve product quality and technical level of domestic diamond wire saw. In addition, Monte-Bianco Diamond Applications Co., Ltd also participated in the establishment of standards of diamond framework saw blade and diamond core drill bit, the two industry standards were approved and released on May 24, 2012 and April 25, 2013 respectively.
As a leading company in super hard industry, Monte-Bianco Diamond Applications Co., Ltd will and as always lead the standardization work of diamond tools in China to promote industry technical progress and industrial upgrading.
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